
From 3rd to 7th of October a meeting was held in which partnership representatives from Denmark, Poland and Slovakia took part.

The meeting was combined with workshops, discussions and study visits in places where the adult education activities are being realized. The group had possibility to speak with vice- president of Gdynia Mr. Michał Guć. A detailed program of the meeting is attached below.

It was the first meeting, during which we talked about basic issues about technical realization of projects activities.


meetings of the monitoring-implementing groups, seminars for participants and job shadowing will take place in each Partners country. Partners will be responsible for the project quality. Polish organizations will manage the projects conclusions (publishing and conference). Danish partner will prepare the film (having all the necessary facilities). Partner from Slovakia will create the website. Each partner will host the seminars, based on their specialties. Therefore MOPS Gdynia together with The Solidarity Association “PLUS” will provide communication and social economy seminars. Partner from Denmark will host seminars concerning adaptation competence and Slovak partner will be responsible for seminars about emancipation competence (seeing that it deals with minorities, discrimination, hate speech etc.).

The final tasks and responsibilities will be defined in detail in the partnership agreement.