Job shadowing

18 mobilities in the job shadowing (7 days).

Job Shadowing (C2) – in order to increase partners employees skills. 6 activities based on one week trips in the form of job shadowing will be held for 18 participants. The dates for job shadowing: I, V and VII 2017, I, VII and X 2018.

It is assumed that participants will learn specifics of adult education in selected areas and will participate directly in activities related to the areas covered by job shadowing. The distribution of tasks and what the applicant provides is identical as mentioned in the  “international meetings”.

adult education in the area of social inclusion

The film is the result of the project “Adult education as a tool for social inclusion” implemented as part of the Erasmus + Adult Education program.
During 3 years within International Partnership EDU4ADU we looked for answers, methods and tools, which would improve the quality of learning and supporting in the process of social inclusion for people threatened with marginalization. Every day we work with those, who cope with many problems, living on the edge of social and professional life. The film will allow you to familiarize yourself with one of the forms of learning – job shadowing.