Monitoring-implementing group 4

The fourth meeting of monitoring-implementing group took part from 23 to 27 October 2017 in Denmark.

Denmark – October 2017

We meet for the 4th time, now in Denmark. Our meeting started on Monday 23 October 2017 in Copenhagn by our colleaques in Kofoeds Skole.

Then we went all togheter to Aarhus, which is the second biggest town in Denmark. Our driver was the one and only missis Ellen “Vettel“ Christensen.

Day 1 in Aarhus
Kofoeds Skole and Municipality. 
We arrived on morning to Kofoeds Skole on Toldbodgade 6 street in Aarhus, which is only 10 minutes walk from our hotel. The director Mr. Michael Alber  awaited us and invited us for breakfast. On breakfast we met the colleagues and Michael explained that everyday all colleagues meet by breakfast, discussing plan for a day and then on the end of the day (around 15:00) they meet again to have short debriefing conversation. This meetings are regular each day and are very helpful by starting a day and by planning the activities and it is a method that helps to be a flexible if any changes appear.

How we work
They also explained us how they are working, what is the philosophy of Kofoeds Skole and how they are dealing with different students.

We visited a carpenter workshop, knitting, ceramics and other palces in Skole. It was very interesting and Nadja and Janette answered a lot of our questions.

Visiting Municipality
On Tuesday we visited also a Municipality main building, which is a new and in modern style build house. It makes a big impression on us and the philosophy of open society and transparency was good to see and you could even touch it.

Housing first
Our guide Michael arranged for us a meeting with two colleagues Missis Susanne Coridon and Missis Marianne from Social housing department and they prepared for us a short presentation about they work and projects.

Housing policy and Vision
The presentation was very interesting, we get a lot of information about the vision of a Municipality, They motto: Every citizen in Aarhus must have the opportunity to live in a sustainable house or apartment should be a used in every town in all over Europe.

No One Size Fits All Models
Thanks to the presentation we now know what is the meaning of a term the social housing, what is the difference between house and home, why they are using more the therm HOME and not only housing, what is a policy that every developer hast to follow (10%), what kind of needs they now have in Aarhus (lack of small apartments), have many homeless people are now living in town and last but not least the approach of Municipality: NO ONE SITE FITS ALL MODELS.

Our meeting room
We also had a meeting room, only for us for our discussions. It was very nice from danish colleagues that they prepared this room for us and we have used.
Michaels colleagues Nadja and Janette showed us the Skole and guided us through different workshop rooms.

After very interesting meetings in Kofoeds Skole and in Municipality we went to the one and only – new – modern – and amazing /as we expected/ library, the DOKK1.


In one word – FANTASTIC
As you maybe know our danish friends are very good designers with amazing fantasy /H.Ch.Andersen/ and they love to play /Lego/. And the proved it –totaly- with this building. Is just fan-tastic.

Place for dreaming, exploring, learning and have fun under one roof
The words are not enough to present you what all you can see here so just very briefly – automatic bookstore – caffeteria – cantine – playgrounds – sofa – music – audiobox – enjoy the silence room – style –modern design – exhibitions – football – magazines – books – wifi – knowledge   ..and a lot more J J J

Technology with style
Not only that the library is totally modern house but maybe the biggest technological surprise of DOKK 1 you can find under the ground. Our nordic friends like very much new technologies and they have build -with style- a underground parking for 1000 cars ..and you don‘t need to find a place for your car, everything is done totally automaticlly.


After the very interesting firts day in Aarhus, our colleagues prepared for us a another full day. J Firstly we had a nice breakfast in Kofoeds Skole where we met Peter B. Hjorth, he is Michael deputy. Discussion with him was very interesting, he told us about have he is cooperating with other organisations or individuals. He is not using word partner because he beliefs that every partner wants to exploit others, but he is using term Playmate. You see.. I told you that the danish love to play. 😉

SAND is a organisation working with homeless people ..but not only that, it was established by a homeless man and it is runed by homeless people. Has two social workers emploeey and is active in Denmakr. One colleaque is responsible for Copenhagen and surroundings and other is responsible for Jutlandia region.

Cantine and place for Greenlanders
SAND is not only working with homeless, this organisation stunts for homeless rights, they clients are homeless people and is also active as a kind of lobbing organisation. So every homeless if he/she has any problems can contact them and they are giving advice’s to them. But imported thing is that SAND is creating a non-formal groups of homeless and advising them how to use there rights, how to prevent them self, how to take responsibility for there problems. We also visited a house where homeless can spend a day, meet others and use the cantine. Also we visited a house for Greenlanders a small minority living in Denmark.

Learning every minute
After visiting SAND organisation and having, again, very good lunch in Kofoeds Skole we had the opportunity to talk with Michael who is the director. It was very intersting to hear from him his approach to colleagues and how he has createtd in house very nice, peacefull, and on the other hand, working atmosphere. For Michael is very important to be honest to your self and to the others.  „Each of us is a living being with his own struggles, ideas, dreams, so it is very importent to not pretend that everything is fine.“

Colleagues can also help to each other not only the students. For Michael is importent that colleagues understand that work is just a part of a day and of life, so it is OK to give in work 50% of your energy and rest is for you, your hobbies, friends, family …

Safe enviroment, be present and active, participate on daily work, rules that everybody follows and understand, individual /student/ responsibility for learning process are main atributes of non-formal learning – as I learned – but interestingly this same rules are used – followed and lived also in Kofoeds Skole.

Is on student what he/she wants to do. Importent is to be there/present.                              The teachers/social workers are there for you and you can always ask them.                        This is the basis on which Kofoeds stands and stands for.

Simplicity is something that is touchable in each part of danish way of life.

DAY 3 – FO – peoples enlightenment
On Thursday we visited the non-govermental and a social enterprise FO in Aarhus. FO-Aarhus is the Aarhus branch of Independant Education Association – one of the Danish national education associations. They are all NGOs operating under the Public Enlightenment Act.

History of FO
In the beginning the education associations were focused on improving basic skills; but focus changes with the times to always include present days’ subjects. And joint ventures with public services to offer unemployed people opportunities to return to the labour-market have become major challenges.

FO-Aarhus co-operates with various other schools for adult education. FO-Aarhus has initiated a number of major projects which eventually have taken on a life of their own. FO-Aarhus is in joint ventures with a number of public services.

Languages courses
We also visited the organisation which provides a language courses for immigrants or refugees. We met there two teachers and they showed us also they class rooms.Thank you to all who warmly welcomed us. More about FO you can read here:

Power of Square table
It is as they say meeting people, speaking with them having discussions is very importent part of Kofoeds work. We also felt the power of a square table. Again we asked and they answered ..but the power of this table is when you are telling your story for first time.



Maasai Warrior
Our very nice colleagues and our guide Peter under influence of the power of a Square table has shared with us his personal story how he, for first time, visited his African family in Kenya. He told us how his family welcomed him and his danish mother, that he was almost married to a African girl. And also he told us that he is of 1/8 a Maasai.

It where a 5 day’s in Denmark and it was totaly amazing time, with full program, always interesting meetings with professionals who love what they do, very inspiring discussions and funny moments. We want very much thank to all who accompanied us: Ellen, Lars, Michael, Peter, Nadja, Jeanette, Nancy, David, Kenneth and others. 🙂 🙂 🙂

