Publication. What has been done?

We encourage you to read a publication entitled “Getting Out of the Shadow – Good Practices of Adult Education in the Area of Social Inclusion” summarizing the 3-year migration as part of the international partnership “Edu4Adu”, which includes: Municipal Center for Social Services (Gdynia), Kofoeds Skole (Copenhagen), *MVO Proxima (Spiska Nova Ves), The Solidarity Association „Plus” (Wandzin).

We looked for answers, methods and tools, which would improve the quality of learning and supporting in the process of social inclusion for people threatened with marginalization. We would like to share our reflections, experience based on the path we took together and encourage you to read this paper. This publication will introduce you to the subject of adult education and social support and encourage to put effort in your own education, gaining experience and knowledge and sharing it with others. Moreover, it will be an opportunity to learn about innovative methods, which can be successfully implemented in institutions and organizations.

We invite you to leave the shadow perhaps routine and fears of changing into space, among others: inspiration, new ideas, searching for good practices.

Read more: Publication

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